Saturday, March 22, 2008

With apologies to John Donne

John Donne is famous for declaring ‘no man is an island.’ With all due respects to the poet extraordinaire, it appears that someone will be, in fact, their very own island. Introducing the world’s first giga-yacht. On this personal floating island, you can have your own pool, tennis court, and garden. According to the Daily Mail article linked below, “Wally's Monica Paolazzi said the vessel, an artist's impression of which is above, would fulfil the dream of someone who wanted to "live comfortably on board like on their own estate".

So you can imagine someone floating around the world totally isolated from others around them. In fact if you stretch things out a few years, why not imagine an ocean full of giga-estates floating around each completely isolated from one another, each owner-operator living in their own little world, seeing what they want to see, interacting with whom they want to interact, avoiding whom they want to avoid.

It’s pretty much the antithesis of Christian community—that way of life in which we are inextricably bound to one another in good times and bad. But it’s the way we are headed. Need evidence? Consider another technology sweeping through society with which each owner operator lives in their own little world, seeing what they want to see, interacting with whom they want, etc. . . .the ipod.

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