Sunday, July 29, 2007

An Example of Transformational Ministry

I have begun to make friends with and have great respect for Mike Queen, the long-time pastor of First Baptist Church, Wilmington, North Carolina.  Recently, FBC Wilmington went through the process of purchasing the old jail from the city.  They have turned the old jail into a ministry center.  Apparently, the church received some criticism for their plans, but went through with courage and conviction.  The result is that the center has been transformed.  And surely many lives will be as well. 


Here’s a story on the local news about their project:  It’s text and a video of the newscast. 


I think that this is the kind of thing that churches should be about and I’m proud to know Mike.  At the end of August, I’ll be traveling down to Wilmington to visit with Mike and his staff and get a sense for what FBC does and is all about.  This is a CBF church that seems to ‘get it’ when it comes to ministry and being missional in their own backyard.


One well-known Christian leader wrote this to Mike:




You and the folks at First Baptist are certainly to be commended for your foresight, insight, and faith-sight to acquire this facility and make such good use of it. You well deserve the affirmation of this opinion piece. It is another affirmation of the response of you and your congregation to God’s calling on your ministry. I am glad to count you as friend and a fellow Baptist Christian!


Another wrote this:



In these days when many of us in the Wake Forest community, including you, are reeling from the tragic death, but always resurrection, of our basketball Coach Skip Prosser, it is so very good to get resurrection news about the transformation ministry in the old jail in Wilmington..... and the courageous ministry and leadership of you and Jim and your board and congregation of First Baptist Church, Wilmington...... this is a well written, well deserved news article. Let's always take risks, for Christ sake! Stay strong in hard places! May God's peace be within you!






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