Sunday, July 01, 2007

The mortal blogging sin

I know I've committed the mortal sin of blogging by not posting for over a month. No excuse, just got a bit out of the habit and spend much of the month of June out of town--on family vacation to the Outer Banks, on a Sunday School camping trip, to DC for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Assembly. Anyway, it's been a big month. It's good to be home for a little while.

Broadus News:
/ Saturday is the groundbreaking for our Habitat House we are building with the Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club. I shared a nice breakfast meeting with them last week and met many folks with whom I'm looking forward to working. One thing they have in common with us. Both of our names are mouthfulls. Can you imagine the sign Habitat has to post at the job site, "This house brought to you by the Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club and Broadus Memorial Baptist Church." Yikes.

/ The visioning process continues to proceed. Hopefully by early Fall, we will be ready to have more congregational wide conversation and participation.

/ We had our firstr Crave Experience last Wednesday. It's new to us, even those of us involved in the planning of it. So it was a learning experience, but an experience that God was in and used in the lives of at least several people in powerful ways. Always much to be thankful for.

/ Vacation Bible School is in a couple of weeks. Broadus VBS has grown every year for 4 straight years. I suspect this year will be the largest yet. Cool. But the neat thing is that every child gets personal attention and love. That's really cool.

Hope to see you soon.

Peace, Eric

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